Electrical Control Panels – What would we do without them? Probably a lot more…and a lot less! They keep our systems moving and help us every day in our daily lives. While this isn’t an entire guide, we’ve included some of the top things to know about Electrical Control Panels. For everything else, call us – We are dedicated to providing the best service possible and finding ways to improve your facility’s functionality and efficiency. 


What is an Electrical Control Panel?  

Think of a control panel like your body – there are tons of internal processes and connections happening to make things work – an electrical control panel is much the same. An electrical control panel is an enclosure (typically a metal box or plastic moulding) that contains important electrical components that control/monitor numerous multiple processes. Operators (employees) will interact with the controls of the panel to operate and control the plant and electrical processes. 


Electrical Control Panels – The Big 3  

Electrical control panels typically come in 3 main types. The Power Control Centre (PCC) Panel, the Motor Control Centre (MCC) and the Automation Panel (sometimes known as PLC Panel). Let’s discuss what each one entails: 

  1. Power Control Centre: The power control centre contains all the electrical components that run the system (things like the air circuit breaker, busbars, etc). Typically, this circuit breaker has isolation on the panel, allowing for the power to be controlled (turned on/off). 
  2. Motor Control Centre: The MCC is an assembly to control some or all electric motors in a central location. They are typically found in large commercial or industrial buildings where there are many electric motors that need to be controlled from a central location, such as a mechanical room or electrical room. 
  3. Automation Panel: As the name implies, this programmable panel automates the processes. As one of the most important (and efficient) types of panels, it is generally used for electronic and electrical circuit fittings, integrated with programmable hardware.  


Electrical Control Panels from RBT 

RBT has years of experience in building and installing electrical control panels. RBT understands Electrical control panels are an essential element of industrial automation and modern manufacturing, we offer full in-house design/build capabilities we can design, fabricate and install high-quality control panels for any type of industrial, manufacturing, and commercial facility. RBT creates electrical control panels for a variety of sectors, including manufacturing, food processing, cannabis, pharmaceuticals, recycling, institutional, and commercial – Give us a call to get started!