With so many trades and tradespeople available to assist with a wide range of commercial and residential needs, you may have wondered What do industrial electrical contractors do?.   

In short, electrical contractors, also known as industrial contractors, specialize in providing electrical services for large-scale industrial facilities, manufacturing plants, warehouses, and other industrial settings. Their role goes beyond the typical electrical work performed in residential or commercial settings due to the unique challenges and complexities of industrial environments. 

Here are some of the tasks that commercial electricians (including RBT Electric) typically perform:  

  • PLC Programming: Writing code for automation controllers.  
  • Electrical And Automation Design: Planning electrical systems for automation.  
  • Machine Guarding & Safety: Ensuring machines are safe for operators.  
  • Preventative Maintenance: Regular maintenance to prevent equipment failure & downtime.  
  • General Repairs: Fixing broken equipment or structures.  
  • New Construction: Building and design of electrical systems for new facilities or structures.  
  • Electrical Lighting: Design and installation of lighting systems. 



The license requirements and skills required to be an electrical contractor vary by province and territory in Canada. Each province and territory have its own regulatory authority responsible for overseeing and issuing licenses for electrical contractors. In Ontario, Industrial Electrician Licenses fall into two main categories: 442A and 309A. An electrician with a 442A license can work for their employer (internal company employee performing work inside a company facility) while an electrician with a 309A license can work for an electrical contractor, performing work outside of their place of business (any facility or location). 



The gist is, an “electrical contractor” is a bit of a catch-all term used to describe companies and individuals that design, install, and maintain electrical systems in facilities. Here at RBT, for instance, we are quickly becoming the region’s first choice for full-service electrical contracting, commercial and industrial automation and control services, there are very few industries and project types we haven’t been a part of!  Want to learn more? Give us a call at 519-752-3675 – we’d be happy to tell you a bit more about our company, or dive right into how our expertise can benefit you!